Fleet Conversions
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Fleet mechanics can complete
repowers using legacy training and
EV installation and maintenance is
straight forward when given the proper
tools, parts, and training
Produces less emissions than manufacturing a new vehicle by upcycling useful aspects of existing vehicle
Produces less operating emissions than gas or diesel
Fleet mechanics can complete
repowers using legacy training and
EV installation and maintenance is
straight forward when given the proper
tools, parts, and training
Any type of fleet can be converted to electric power. Some offer greater cost savings than others. Legacy EV will directly with grant funding opportunities to help convert fleets for the lowest cost possible.
School Buses are one of many popular candidates for repowers
Up-front Cost: Roughly 60% the cost of purchasing a new EV bus.
Operations cost: Saves roughly $250,000 over 13 year life of bus (low estimate).
Grants: Grants will cover up to 100% of the conversion. Legacy EV can help acquire funding.
A new EV bus produces 6 years worth of emissions an average diesel bus. By repowering anexisting bus, the bus starts saving on emissions immediately. Upcycling is a common practice in many industries and will be very useful in the automotive industry.
Repowers save more on emissions than new EVs
— For every 1 ton of steel produce, 1.9 tons of Carbon Dioxide are released into the atmosphere.
— This does not even account for other harmful particulates released in the steel manufacturing process.
— This also does not account for the other high emissions aspects of manufacturing that are avoided when utilizing repowers.
EV Maintenance and Repairs areSimpler with Repowers
— Legacy EV can provide parts and training to whoever manages your fleet currently so that they can install the conversion kits in your fleet
— By training your current fleet maintenance crew on the building process of an EV they are better prepared to repair and maintenance your fleet
— Legacy EV is the only component distributor
providing expert training and build support to EV mechanics around the country
— Legacy EV can also provide the fleet conversion service and maintenance for customers interested in a full service fleet conversion.
Legacy EV is the only EV component distributor that also specializes in education and custom build. Legacy EV can train your garage to convert the fleet themselves or Legacy can complete the conversion for you.
Full service fleet conversions including charging infrastructure installation and planning
Manufacturer warranties on components ensuring piece of mind with high quality - new powertrain components